Mobell Tab 8A FRP | Mobell Tab 8A Tài Khoản Gmail

Mobell Tab 8A FRP | Mobell Tab 8A Tài Khoản Gmail

Mobell Tab 8A Khóa Xác Minh Tài Khoản Gmail,Mở Khóa Gmail Thành Công
Mobell Tab 8A Remove Google Account (FRP) By NCK

Nhận Xóa FRP - Gmail Mobell Tab 8A
Nhận Repair IMEI Mobell Tab 8A
Nhận Unbrick - Bypass Mobell Tab 8A

Tags:Mobell Tab 8A FRP,Mobell Tab 8A Gmail,Mobell Tab 8A Bypass,Mobell Tab 8A Rom,Mobell Tab 8A Repair IMEI,

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 Detected : MediaTek USB Port (COM6)
 Boot mode: Brom
 BBCHIP: 6580 0 ca00
 Using Algo 1.
 Phone detected...Please wait
 Sending DA agent, please wait...
 [emmi]EMMC CID: 4e0301886472614329
 BaseBand CPU :MT6580
 BaseBand CPU Secure Version : 05
 BaseBand CPU Bootloader Version : FE
 EMMC FW VERSION: 16:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
 EMMC CID: 8801034E4361726420 : 00000000000000
 EMMC UA SIZE: 0x1d2000000     
 FULL LENGTH: 0x1d2c00000      [7.293 GB]
 Checking data, wait...
 Writing FRP, wait...
 FRP Reset Done.
 Wait untill phone will start charging.
 [0]All done.

3 Nhận xét

  1. Selected model: TAB 8A
    Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
    Searching for a phone. Please wait...
    Found phone on COM38
    Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM38)
    Detecting Chip Version...
    HW Chip: MT6580: 6580.0000
    HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
    Target Config: 0000
    Brom Version: FF
    BootLoader Version: 01
    Searching Download Agent...
    Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018-11-07.23:57_458956, n.11
    Sending Download Agent...
    DA sent successfully
    Initializing DA...
    Synchronizing with DA...
    NAND Flash: not installed
    eMMC Flash: .8801034E.43617264.20164E0D.312735C1
    eMMC Flash: Foresee: NCard
    DA ver: 4.2.9C
    Initializing Memory Flash..
    Initialization successfully completed
    Sending loaders...
    Loader send successfuly.
    Reading Flash Info...
    EMMC rpmb size: 4 Mb
    EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC user area size: 7456 Mb
    Internal RAM size: 128 Kb
    External RAM size: 1024 Mb
    Reading partition...
    Reading info...
    Brand: mobell
    Manufacturer: joyar
    Model: Tab_8a
    Device: Tab_8a
    Android version: 8.1.0
    Display ID: M-Tab_8a-180724-01
    Searching for signatures...
    Resetting FRP lock..
    Backup saved as mobell_Tab_8a_30-01-2022_14-17-09.dump file
    FRP lock is successfully reseted!

    Trả lờiXóa

  2. Platform: MASSTEL
    Selected model: TAB 8A
    Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
    Searching for a phone. Please wait...
    Found phone on COM29
    Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM29)
    Detecting Chip Version...
    HW Chip: MT6739: 0699.0000
    HW Version: 8A00.CB00.0002.0000
    Target Config: 0000
    BootLoader Version: 03
    Brom Version: FF
    BootLoader Version: 03
    Searching Download Agent...
    Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018-11-07.23:57_458956, n.21
    Sending Download Agent...
    DA sent successfully
    Initializing DA...
    Synchronizing with DA...
    Mobile Status: SYNC
    Error code: C0010004
    Mobile Status: preloader
    Initializing Memory Flash..
    Initialization successfully completed
    Sending loaders...
    Mobile Status: SYNC
    Reading Flash Info...
    EMMC rpmb size: 4 Mb
    EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC user area size: 29820 Mb
    eMMC Flash: .15010047.4436424D.42017E5A.968F768B
    eMMC Flash: Samsung: GD6BMB
    Internal RAM size: 128 Kb
    External RAM size: 3072 Mb
    Reading partition...
    Reading SUPER partition...
    Reading info...
    Brand: Masstel
    Manufacturer: Masscom
    Model: Masstel Tab 8A
    Device: Tab_8A
    Platform: mt6739
    Android version: 11
    Display ID: Masstel_Tab_8A_V1.0_20211127
    Searching for signatures...
    Switching to high-speed success!
    Resetting FRP lock..
    Backup saved as Masstel_Masstel Tab 8A_15-03-2023_17-38-51.dump file
    FRP lock is successfully reseted!

    Trả lờiXóa
  3. Selected model: TAB 8A
    Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
    Searching for a phone. Please wait...
    Found phone on COM29
    Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM29)
    Detecting Chip Version...
    HW Chip: MT6739: 0699.0000
    HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
    Target Config: 0000
    BootLoader Version: 03
    Brom Version: FF
    BootLoader Version: 03
    Searching Download Agent...
    Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2018-11-07.23:57_458956, n.21
    Sending Download Agent...
    DA sent successfully
    Initializing DA...
    Synchronizing with DA...
    Mobile Status: SYNC
    Error code: C0010004
    Mobile Status: preloader
    Initializing Memory Flash..
    Initialization successfully completed
    Sending loaders...
    Mobile Status: SYNC
    Reading Flash Info...
    EMMC rpmb size: 16 Mb
    EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
    EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
    EMMC user area size: 29820 Mb
    eMMC Flash: .90014A68.42386150.3E033B44.946EA5ED
    eMMC Flash: Hynix: hB8aP>
    Internal RAM size: 128 Kb
    External RAM size: 3072 Mb
    Reading partition...
    Reading SUPER partition...
    Reading info...
    Brand: Masstel
    Manufacturer: Masscom
    Model: Masstel Tab 8A
    Device: Tab_8A
    Platform: mt6739
    Android version: 11
    Display ID: Masstel_Tab_8A_V1.0_20211127
    Searching for signatures...
    Switching to high-speed success!
    Resetting FRP lock..
    Backup saved as Masstel_Masstel Tab 8A_24-04-2023_09-58-47.dump file
    FRP lock is successfully reseted!

    Trả lờiXóa