LG Fortune M153 Khóa Sim Nhà Mạng | Mở Mạng Thành Công
LG Fortune M153 Unlock Sim Online Via Remote
Nhận Unlock - Mở Mạng LG Fortune M153
Nhận Xoá FRP - Gmail LG Fortune M153
Nhận Repair IMEI LG Fortune M153
Tags:Unlock M153,M153 Unlock,Unlock Sim M153,M153 Unlock Sim,M153 Mở Mạng,Mở Mạng M153,M153 FRP,M153 Gmail,M153 Repair IMEI,LG M153 Unlock,LG M153 Mở Mạng,
LG Fortune M153 Unlock Sim Online Via Remote
Nhận Unlock - Mở Mạng LG Fortune M153
Nhận Xoá FRP - Gmail LG Fortune M153
Nhận Repair IMEI LG Fortune M153
Tags:Unlock M153,M153 Unlock,Unlock Sim M153,M153 Unlock Sim,M153 Mở Mạng,Mở Mạng M153,M153 FRP,M153 Gmail,M153 Repair IMEI,LG M153 Unlock,LG M153 Mở Mạng,
☯ Unlock - Remove FRP - Repair IMEI - Online (Teamviewer)
☎ Hotline : +84966833711 (Zalo/Facebook/WhatsApp/Telegram)
🌐 Website : www.thanhnamPDAviet.net
🌐 Website : www.Unlock24h.net
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM26
Selected model: M153
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-M153
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 6.0.1
Battery level: 68%
SW Version: M15311b
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Apr 03 2017
Firmware compiled time: 01:00:00
Firmware released date: Jun 21 2017
Firmware released time: 15:58:12
SW Version: MPSS.JO.2.0.c1.2-00026-8909_GEN_PACK-1
Bluetooth address: 88:36:5F:33:B7:01
Wi-Fi MAC address: 88:36:5F:BE:57:33
SPC: 000000
Skip Read/Write QCN
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM26
Selected model: M153
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-M153
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 6.0.1
Battery level: 69%
SW Version: M15311b
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Apr 03 2017
Firmware compiled time: 01:00:00
Firmware released date: Jun 21 2017
Firmware released time: 15:58:12
SW Version: MPSS.JO.2.0.c1.2-00026-8909_GEN_PACK-1
Bluetooth address: 88:36:5F:33:B7:01
Wi-Fi MAC address: 88:36:5F:BE:57:33
SPC: 000000
Fixing IMEI...
New IMEI A: 354064-08-50
IMEI successfully fixed!
Rebooting phone...
2 Nhận xét
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Trả lờiXóaSelected port: COM126
Selected model: M153
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-M153
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 6.0.1
Battery level: 88%
SW Version: M15311c
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LGM153AT-01-V11c-310-150-OCT-17-2017-ARB00+0
Android version: 6.0.1
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CB41S171120001012
IMEI: 353431-09-648841-6
Target operator: CRK
Hardware: rev_10
Skip Read/Write QCN
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
LAF Error: 80000121.
Trying second method...OK
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "M153_353431096488416_02-08-2019_14-38-30.SEC"
Writing security area...OK
Selected model: M153
Trả lờiXóaReading info...
Model ID: LG-M153
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 6.0.1
Battery level: 71%
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Platform: msm8909
SW version: LGM153AT-01-V11d-310-150-DEC-05-2017-ARB00+0
Android version: 6.0.1
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CB41S180205003974
IMEI: 353431-09-931443-7
Target operator: CRK
Hardware: rev_10
Switching to Normal mode...
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...
Please, reconnect phone, enable USB debugging, and try again.
To enable USB debugging, please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Install LG Android ADB drivers
3. Go to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Software information"
4. Click on Build number 5 times
5. Enable "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging" option
6. Connect the cable and check, whether ADB interface has appeared in PC Device Manager.
Please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Put phone into Normal mode manually
3. Connect USB cable to then phone
4. Press "Ok" button
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...OK
Diagnostics ports are enbled!
Switching to Serial Port...
Found model LG-M153 at port COM84
Skip Read/Write QCN
Switching to Download mode...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
LAF Error: 80000121.
Trying second method...
Trying third method...Failed!
Reading security area...OK
Backup saved to "M153_353431099314437_17-03-2023_12-18-27.SEC"
Writing security area...OK