LG V20 H918 Remove FRP | LG V20 H918 Xóa Xác Minh Gmail
LG V20 H918 Xóa Xác Minh Gmail Thành Công Qua TeamviewerLG V20 H918 Remove Google Account (FRP) By Octopus FRP
LG V20 H918 Remove Google Account (FRP) Via Teamviewer
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Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM96
Reading info...
Detected phone model: LG-H918
Mode: Emergency
SW version: LGH918AT-01-V10s-310-260-JAN-04-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.0
Reading partition...
Resetting FRP lock..
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...
Erasing block...
Reading block...
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
3 Nhận xét
Detected phone model: LG-H918
Trả lờiXóaMode: Normal
Android version: 7.0
Factory SW H91810u
Trying to enable Diagnostic Port...
Found phone on COM145
Firmware released date: May 28 2018
Firmware released time: 10:09:54
Firmware compiled date: May 14 2018
Firmware compiled time: 21:00:00
Switching to Download Mode...
Found phone on COM145
SW version: LGH918AT-01-V10u-310-260-MAY-28-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.0
Platform: msm8996
Reading partition...
Resetting FRP lock..
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...
Erasing block...
Reading block...
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Trả lờiXóaFound phone on COM190
Reading info...
Detected phone model: LG-H918
Mode: Emergency
SW version: LGH918AT-01-V10s-310-260-JAN-04-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.0
Platform: msm8996
Reading partition...
Resetting FRP lock..
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...
Erasing block...
Reading block...
FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Model ID: LG-H918
Trả lờiXóaIMEI: 352227-08-130172-6
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 44%
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Platform: msm8996
SW version: LGH918AT-01-V10s-310-260-JAN-04-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: YE01S161121002112
IMEI: 352227-08-130172-6
Target operator: TMO
Hardware: rev_10
Reading partitions...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...OK
Formating FRP partition...OK
Checking data...
Resetting FRP lock successfully completed!